Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Album Review: Taylor Swift's Speak Now

You may or may not know that this album has already sold over a million copies in the first week of its release. But are Speak Now's sales equivalent to the quality of the album? 

Surprisingly to me, yes. I'm no die hard Taylor Swift fan, simply because our local radio will play her songs over and over again until I just want to hear no more of her. My sweet friend Hannah Lynn was nice enough to get me a copy of the CD, and she gave it to me in my biology class yesterday wrapped in pink gift tissue. 

What is my favorite song? I absolutely love Back to December (reportedly about ex Taylor Lautner). But my favorite is definitely Dear John. Oh, who am I kidding? I love them all!

In a nutshell, I would recommend this album if you love Taylor Swift, or her genre or music. I was very pleasantly surprised with it. 

Have you picked up a copy yet? If so, what's your favorite song? How impressed are you with the album?



  1. I think this is her best album yet! I love "Enchanted" and "Long Live"

  2. Isn't it wonderful, I still have it on repeat. I am loving Last Kiss and Dear John.

  3. It is definitely her best yet! I like the fact her sound is maturing.

  4. I haven't picked up a copy yet, but now I really want to check it out! I did hear Back to December on iTunes the other night and really liked it! Thanks for the review!

  5. Love it! Speak Now and Enchanted are my favorites!


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